Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Darling Darren:

Good afternoon. It is the second day of the new year and I have yet to get to see you. At least I heard from you yesterday even if it was just an obligatory response to my wish for you to have a Happy New Year. I want you to know I've made a decision and I'm going to resolve to not be as clingy this year as I've been in the past. In essence this means you are going to have to make more of an effort to contact me. I'm no longer going to be the one who instigates our meetings. I need to know that you want me as much as I want you. Like I said before you're a drug to me and I suffer terrible withdrawals when I don't see or talk to you. It doesn't seem as if it is the same for you. I know we're both very busy. But I make the time to see you often at an expense I truly cannot afford at this point in my life, and yet I do it because I am so totally in love with you and I cannot bear the thought of not spending the little time you appear to have for me with you. I think about you continually. I want to share everything with you even though it isn't possible. You have an entire world of which I can never be a part and it hurts me if I think about it. I wonder, if you could have any one thing in the entire world what it would be. I know you are the only thing in the world I want. I only wish I could make you understand just how important you are to me. How important it is to me to be with you. How wonderful you make me feel when I get to be with you. How much better my day is if I just hear from you, to hear your voice lifts my spirits so much, but even a text message makes my day. I love you.

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